Oil Paintings

Star Catcher

"I had a dream a while back where I was standing on a red patio in a pine forest. It was evening and the stars were shooting; they were falling into my hand. I began eating them, they were sweet. " -Christophe Lima  Re: Star Catcher, 24"X18", Oil on Canvas, 2021

24"X18", Oil on Canvas, 2021


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Dream Tree

"This tree is from a dream; half a memory. When I was small we had a mimosa tree across the street. I would go with my mother to pick the pink fluffy flowers and bring them home. She would tie them to a pen or a chopstick and they suddenly became my first paint brushes. After all this time, this experience is baring fruit."

-Christophe Lima Re: Dream Tree, 40"x30", Oil on Canvas, 2021

40"x30" Oil on Canvas, 2021


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The Gift

The Gift is a quirky, surreal, 12"x4" oil painting that is sure to be a conversation piece.

12"x4 oil painting, 2021


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Lake Ronkonkoma

Lake Ronkonkoma is an 8"x10" oil painting of it's namesake. The viewer is pulled into this smaller painting by the shadow of the tree and the clouds in the sky. It was painted from the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial.

8"x10" oil Painting, 2021


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On The Way to Giants Causeway

Painted from a trip to Ireland and Northern Ireland in 2019, this 5"x7" oil painting captures the incredible land sea and sky that can only be seen in that part of the world.

5"x7" oil painting, 2021


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The Crocuses

The Crocuses are amply painted with their hopeful buds reaching for the sky. They are not without movement as they seem to explode off of the canvas. 12"x12" Oil Painting, 2021

12"x12" Oil Painting, 2021


  • 1 lb
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Copyright Christophe Lima, 2022. All images on this site are copyrighted and subject to applicable copyright law. Any reproduction or distribution of images or statements from this site without permission from the artist will result in legal action.